I’ve been working in the IT industry for the past twenty-three years, focusing on identity, access, governance, and credential management technologies for the past sixteen. I’m a Technical Director at Integralis IT Consulting, a niche Microsoft, Snow Software, and Omada solutions provider that delivers a wide range of professional and managed services to customers. The company is currently the largest specialized Microsoft Identity Management and Omada Identity Suite partner in Africa.
I currently devote most of my time to various entrepreneurial endeavors and my ongoing passion for security, identity management, and technology in general. Most of my learning current centers around Azure, AzureAD, EMS, AWS, MIM, Omada Identity Suite, Ansible, Packer, Docker, PowerShell, and our cloud credential and identity verification management platform, MyPass.
I’m proud to live in South Africa with my wife Alide and daughters Zoé, Amelia, and Megan.